Reading duration: 60 seconds
Cellulite’s Structure

90% of females experience cellulite to some extent.
Cellulite can occur in various areas, but it is most frequently found on the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen.
The primary reasons include unhealthy eating patterns (diet high in fat and sugars), lack of physical activity, and stress.
Understand the process of cellulite formation through a detailed explanation of each step.
- Estrogen, the female sex hormone, leads to fluid accumulation among fat cells and fibers in the innermost layer of the skin.
- The build-up of fluid hinders the oxygenation of fat cells and the removal of their toxins by changing their metabolism, causing them to cluster and form nodules as they swell.
- The nodules contain fibers that are inflamed and pull the skin, creating depressions known as cellulite dimples.
- These indentations are more noticeable when there is an increase in volume in these regions, whether due to added weight or fluid buildup.
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