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Why do I gain weight easily?

by Radiancy Beauty
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Why do I gain weight so easily?

Imagem: MaxWdhs/Burst

Understand the primary reasons for gaining weight without consuming a large amount of food.

There are certain factors beyond our control, such as genetics and stereotypes, that contribute to weight gain. However, there are also habits and circumstances that can lead to weight gain even without excessive eating.

Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain as it affects the body’s ability to carry out metabolic functions effectively.

If you don’t stick to a regular and nutritious diet, you may struggle with weight gain because your body won’t get the necessary energy and nutrients to function properly. Eating at consistent intervals can help prevent overeating or undereating in subsequent meals. Aim to eat every 3 hours to keep your body in balance.

Living with stress or being in stressful situations can lead to weight gain as many people tend to eat more in such circumstances. Stress triggers the release of a substance called Cortisol in the body, which can lead to abdominal bloating due to fluid retention.

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