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What precautions should I take when purchasing cosmetics?

by Radiancy Beauty
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What should I be cautious about when purchasing cosmetics?

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It is best to always choose hypoallergenic cosmetics because they have fewer preservatives and are less likely to contain perfumes and alcohol, which can help prevent allergic reactions.

Seek products endorsed by the Ministry of Health.

It is crucial to ensure that the products in the store are stored according to the manufacturer’s specifications to maintain the quality and safety of cosmetics for better results and health.

There are more than 5,000 registered infant cosmetic products available, some of which are certified, but contain harmful ingredients. Therefore, it is advisable to refrain from purchasing cosmetics based solely on their pleasant fragrance.

Which substances can damage the skin?

– Lanolin, sorbic acid, and bronopol have high allergenic potential, especially for sensitive skin like that of children, and are listed as lanolin and sorbic acid on packaging.

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