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by Radiancy Beauty
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Stories Compilation

Imagem: timmossholder/Pexels

What do stretch marks signify?

Skin changes occur due to the breakage of elastic and collagen fibers, leading to atrophy that can extend to deeper skin layers, affecting blood vessels and melanocytes responsible for skin pigmentation.

Why do they appear?

Excessive bloating can occur due to factors such as pregnancy, weight gain, Cushing’s syndrome, genetic factors, hormonal fluctuations, or the use of corticosteroids or other medications.

Types of stretch marks include different varieties.

  • The initial inflammatory process of elastin and collagen fiber rupture is known as red. In such instances, treatment may be more successful.
  • White: deterioration of elastin and collagen fibers in the dermis and melanocytes, resulting in clearer skin and enhanced healing, making treatment more challenging due to the required meticulous care.

What is the frequency?

Females are affected three to six times more often than males, with women experiencing rates of 55% to 65% and men experiencing rates of 15% to 20%.

What are the purposes of treatments for stretch marks?

The goal of treating stretch marks is to enhance their appearance by encouraging the production of elastic and collagen fibers to match the surrounding skin better.

Which treatments are most recommended?

  • Dermoabrasion involves a gradual removal of dead cells using controlled aluminum oxide crystals to improve the appearance of stretch marks by stimulating collagen and elastin production.
  • Carboxytherapy is a treatment that involves injecting medicinal CO2 under the skin. It enhances blood flow in the area, helps break down fat cells, reduces measurements, reshapes the body, boosts cell nourishment, eliminates toxins, reduces swelling and inflammation, and enhances skin elasticity, tone, and quality.
  • Eletrolifting seeks to trigger an immediate inflammatory response by utilizing the galvanic current’s inherent properties to boost fibroblast activity, leading to increased production of collagen and elastin.
  • Chemical peels involve the use of acid substances on the skin to promote cell renewal and boost collagen and elastin production, with Retinoic Acid being the most effective option.
  • Laser treatment boosts the generation of fresh collagen fibers and elastin.

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