If you are 40 years or older, this chat is for you. You have likely been informed about the significance of self-examination for early detection of breast cancer. It is crucial for women over 40 to establish a self-examination practice at home to facilitate prompt treatment for this malignant condition.
This cancer is the most prevalent among women and the second most common overall. It is a global issue that is increasing. Some countries have better prevention awareness, leading to faster healing through self-examination. Late-stage diagnoses greatly reduce the chances of recovery.
Press, public organizations, and businesses are becoming more involved in efforts to promote early detection of breast cancer. It is important to note that both men and women can develop this type of cancer, with women being at a higher risk compared to men. It is evident that heightened awareness and vigilance are crucial when it comes to breast cancer.
Learning and implementing self-examination is essential. It is believed that around 90% of cases are identified by women themselves. It is recommended to have a mammogram performed annually, despite the additional effort it may require.
Practices to reduce the risk of breast cancer
Certain habits, such as a lack of physical activity, obesity, unhealthy eating, smoking, and excessive drinking, can heighten risks. Conversely, experts universally agree that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can prevent, manage, and reduce the effects of the condition.
Who is required to perform self-assessment?
Women between the ages of 40 and 44 can begin with preventive measures, while those aged 45 to 54 should undergo mammograms annually. For women over 55, mammograms can be done every two years or as per their regular screening schedule.
During routine check-ups, request a clinical breast examination, including inspection of the breasts, armpits, and area beneath the collarbone. The aim is to detect any skin texture irregularities, nodules, tender areas, or changes in breast size. Also, maintain a healthy diet, engage in regular physical activity, and attend check-ups consistently.
Are you participating in the joint effort to prevent breast cancer?