Home » November Blue is the global month dedicated to raising awareness about prostate cancer.

November Blue is the global month dedicated to raising awareness about prostate cancer.

by Radiancy Beauty
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November is globally recognized as the month dedicated to raising awareness about fighting prostate cancer.

The November Blue movement started in Australia in 2003 in conjunction with the global day dedicated to raising awareness about prostate cancer, which falls on November 17th.

In Brazil, the effort started gaining momentum in 2014 with various actions organized by the Institute Lado a Lado pela Vida across the country. These initiatives included raising awareness through speeches and illuminating landmarks with blue lights to highlight the importance of prostate cancer prevention.

Many individuals and groups have since suggested promoting the topic in order to bolster the global campaign.

Hiroshima is in favor of this movement.

novembro azul 1 Hiroshima
Imagem: JonPauling/Pexels

Hiroshima is also involved in supporting the fight against the second most common disease among men, as done in previous years, and this support continues in 2019.

We create unique materials featuring an illustrative image and a dedicated day to explain information in a clear and approachable manner. This approach aims to combat the taboos associated with prostate cancer prevention.

Remain indoors!

Now that you are aware of what Blue November is, its origins, and significance, it is important to prioritize disease prevention.

What exactly is the prostate?

The prostate gland in men is situated below the bladder and in front of the rectum, resembling a walnut in shape. It surrounds the beginning of the urethra, the tube responsible for urine elimination from the bladder.

What is the definition of prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer involves the abnormal growth and division of gland cells, leading to the formation of a tumor. It is the second most common cancer in men in Brazil, following non-melanoma skin cancer.

What are the signs?

Symptoms of the disease may not be apparent in the early stages, with some cases showing similarities to a benign prostate growth, such as difficulty urinating, weakened urine flow, or increased frequency of urination.

In the final phase of the illness, the individual might experience blood in the urine, bone discomfort, or widespread infection and kidney malfunction.

When should you seek out a physician?

When a man notices suggestive symptoms of the illness or is in a high-risk group for developing it (age 50 or older, or 45 and older with a family history of the disease).

All of these individuals are capable of and should conduct a physical prostate examination and blood test to assess the level of PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen).

How is the diagnosis performed?

A diagnosis is conducted using specific clinical and laboratory examinations, such as a rectal exam and PSA test. The PSA test is done yearly to monitor prostate changes. An abnormal result could suggest conditions like infections, inflammation, benign growth, or prostate cancer. Both tests help determine if a prostate biopsy is necessary for confirming cancer suspicions through the examination of gland tissue fragments.

The Ministry of Health suggests getting tests if there are indications and manifestations of the illness.

Statistics are significant.

  • In 2018, the National Institute of Cancer reported 68,220 cases, and in 2017, the death toll from prostate cancer was 15,391.
  • On average, 61,000 Brazilians are diagnosed with prostate cancer annually.
  • 10% of men still deny being aware of examination due to bias or societal taboos.

Protect yourself!

Healthy habits can lower the chances of developing different diseases, such as cancer. The Ministry of Health advises to adopt these habits.

  • Maintain a nutritious and well-rounded diet.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Identify and treat issues related to high blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol appropriately.
  • Maintain a proper weight.
  • Engage in regular physical exercise.
Novembro Azul: mês mundial de combate ao câncer de próstata! 1
Imagem: timmossholder/iStock

Don’t just let Blue November pass by on your calendar. Develop healthy habits, prioritize prevention, and eliminate taboos to potentially save lives through early diagnosis.


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