The initial step to achieving a glowing and well-rested complexion involves performing facial self-massage. By employing proper techniques, one can alleviate tension in the facial muscles responsible for a fatigued appearance.
It helps oxygenate the skin, making it immediately more vibrant. This self-massage can be done quickly while applying facial sunscreen.
This post will explain the 4 steps for facial self-massage using sunscreen to help you learn the technique accurately!
Identify your skin type.
Applying sunscreen without knowing your skin type is pointless. Each product is designed to address different skin textures using specific ingredients. Learn more about identifying your skin type.
Balancing mixed skin types
When purchasing a sunscreen for combination skin, it’s crucial to opt for products suitable for normal to oily skin, as it involves a combination of both skin types. It’s recommended to select an oil-free sunscreen to avoid any greasy residue, particularly in the T-zone.
Controlling oil production in acne-prone skin.
Sunscreen can assist in controlling brightness for acne-prone and oily skin types by preventing sun-induced acne aggravated by UVA and UVB rays.
Acne-prone skin is at greater risk of developing blemishes and discoloration from blackheads and pimples. To address this, it is recommended to purchase a liquid sunblock that is non-comedogenic, oil-free, controls sebum production, provides a matte finish, and minimizes pores.
Dry skin and insufficient moisture
Dry skin displays dryness indicators that cause certain facial areas to feel more tight. It requires a thicker moisturizer with strong hydrating properties.
People over 40 may start experiencing dry skin because of hormonal changes and lack of certain nutrients in their bodies. Therefore, it is recommended to opt for moisturizing creams that are more suitable for these conditions.
Cleanse the skin thoroughly
Cleansing the skin effectively can lead to a revitalized complexion, as it helps remove dead cells from the surface, resulting in healthier, more hygienic, and radiant skin.
Skin cleansing is primarily recommended for removing blackheads and whiteheads, as well as getting rid of milia and sebaceous spots. It also aids in eliminating dead skin cells, maintaining soft and healthy skin, and reducing oiliness.
Moisturizing should be applied before sunscreen.
Solar filters generally should reflect sunlight to prevent the absorption of UVA and UVB rays, making it advisable to first apply moisturizer.
Applying moisturizer after sunscreen may prevent absorption and alter the properties of the sunscreen, potentially diluting it and reducing its effectiveness.
Perform circular movements in a horizontal direction.
The facial massage can be done daily or as needed, preferably before bedtime to unwind after a stressful day at work. Here are the steps for a facial self-massage!
Swipe your fingers from your forehead towards the hairline, gently massaging the scalp as you do so. Repeat this action 3 to 5 times.
Massage the area between the eyebrows with the index fingers, moving towards the temples. This can help reduce tension, particularly around the eyebrows. Repeat this action 3 to 5 times.
Sight organs
Press gently on the lacrimal point with your thumbs, repeating 3 to 5 times. Next, use your index fingers to gently massage from the lacrimal point towards the temples along the eyelids, and repeat the same motion along the bottom of the eyes from the inner to outer corners.
Begin by applying gentle pressure to the points at the base of the nose using your fingertips. Then, move your fingers along the sides of the nose, working upwards towards the tear ducts. Repeat this motion 3 to 5 times.
When we are feeling upset or anxious, our lips can become tense. To help relax them, gently pinch the skin around the mouth while applying sunscreen. Repeat this action 3 to 5 times.
Slide your thumbs towards the jaw to aid in draining the area where the lymph nodes are situated, and repeat the motion 3 to 5 times.
Spread the correct quantity.
Each kind of sunscreen should be applied differently. Cream sunscreens should be spread using circular finger motions, while gel sunscreens should be applied without circular movements to prevent the product from clumping and compromising coverage.
The spray should be applied generously on the skin for better coverage but should not be spread with the hands to avoid damaging the texture and risking exposure to burns on certain areas of the face.
By incorporating facial automassage while applying sunscreen, you can enhance your skin’s radiance and keep it fresh throughout the day with minimal time investment.
Aesthetic clinics provide effective and specialized techniques tailored to individual needs, although it is feasible to perform facial self-massage at home.
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