Home » Endermotherapy: Explanation of the procedure and its effectiveness in reducing cellulite

Endermotherapy: Explanation of the procedure and its effectiveness in reducing cellulite

by Radiancy Beauty
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The existence of cellulites in the body can be distressing for many women and some men, as can localized fat which can lead to low self-esteem. Fortunately, there is now an effective solution for these issues: endermotherapy.

This procedure, also known as vacuotherapy, involves using a massaging device to create suction on the skin. It stimulates the circulatory system in areas with cellulite or localized fat to address these aesthetic concerns without the need for surgery or causing side effects.

If you want to learn more, keep reading as we will provide a detailed explanation.

What does endermotherapy involve?

Therapies performed manually have shown to be effective, but imagine enhancing these results with a mechanical massage.

Endermotherapy is a massage technique that combines vacuum and pressure in the skin using a specialized device, making this achievable.

The method employed in the area being treated involves applying a vacuum through suction cups equipped with rollers for gliding, along with palpation and kneading massage.

Movements like these trigger responses in the body by applying compression, expansion, and shear forces to the skin.

Consequently, there is a rise in blood circulation in the region, along with improved oxygen supply and drainage in the tissue, enhanced flexibility and firmness, and the promotion of relaxation in the muscles that are stimulated.

Endermotherapy is suggested for aesthetic issues like cellulite, stretch marks, scars, slimming, loose skin, and facial lifting.

It also helps in addressing certain medical issues such as managing swelling and lymphedema, as well as aiding in the treatment of myofascial pain and fibromyalgia. Additionally, the method contributes to skin cleansing by removing comedones and, in conjunction with other approaches, supports enhancements in both pre- and post-operative phases of certain plastic surgeries.

How does endermotherapy function?

Before delving into how endermotherapy works in the body, it is crucial to comprehend the origins of cellulite and localized fat.

Dimples on the skin

Cellulite can develop as a result of excess weight and estrogen in women, but it can also affect men with hormonal imbalances. Other factors that can contribute to this dimpling of the skin include genetics, circulation issues, unhealthy diet, and lack of physical activity.

Localized fat

The accumulated fat resembles cellulite as it stems from the buildup of fatty tissue in specific body areas, leading to an increase in the waist or hip size.

Genetic factors and lifestyle choices, such as poor diet and lack of physical activity, can contribute to this condition. Hormones play a significant role as well, particularly in women, who experience more pronounced changes compared to men.

Apparatus and method

Endermotherapy works in the body using a specialized device with two rollers that move smoothly over the skin, providing a mechanical massage to reposition the tissues.

The process can be carried out using either continuous suction, commonly used for defatting and lymphatic drainage, or pulsed suction, where a skin fold is created and back-and-forth movements are applied. The choice between these methods will vary for each individual.

The aim is typically to separate the skin and fat from the muscle-covering tissue to enhance blood flow, leading to better distribution of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.

Additionally, there is an enhancement of lymphatic flow, which helps remove fluids and toxins from tissues, leading to a decrease in localized fat volume and better distribution of these substances.

How many sessions of endermotherapy are needed?

The number of sessions needed will differ based on individual profiles, influenced by factors such as eating habits, exercise routines, and desired outcomes.

Results are typically noticed after the 3rd or 4th session of treatment, with a minimum of 10 sessions recommended at a rate of 2 to 3 per week. The duration of each session can vary from 30 to 35 minutes based on the specific body region being targeted.

The recommendation is to undergo the procedure for 2 months initially for optimal results. After completing the treatment, a 3-month break is advised. Subsequently, it is crucial to have maintenance sessions every 15 days to prolong the effects.

When will the effects become apparent?

The method requires improving the body’s functions, so immediate results are not guaranteed. It takes time for the body to respond and show the desired outcomes.

Between 10 and 15 sessions are usually enough to start seeing improved results in appearance, such as reduced cellulite and localized fat, but it’s important to be patient and allow some time for the changes to become noticeable.

The waiting time and effectiveness of endermotherapy can differ based on how it is applied and the level of treatment for each individual. Factors like genetics, poor diet, lack of exercise, or smoking may also affect the results.

What are the potential dangers and reasons not to proceed?

Endermotherapy is a secure, painless, and non-surgical method that effectively targets cellulite and localized fat through skin suction, despite there being contraindications to consider.

Endermotherapy is not suitable for individuals with conditions such as thrombosis, circulatory issues, kidney diseases, local infections, diabetes, and liver problems due to the stimulation of blood circulation.

What advantages does endermotherapy offer?

Endermotherapy offers various advantages for the body. One of its benefits is that this non-invasive method helps relax muscles and decrease the daily tension they experience.

The method also aids in bettering the circulation system, leading to a reduction in the unsightly look of cellulite.

The procedure also helps decrease fat in specific areas and tighten the skin.

It also enhances the firming of targeted areas by boosting oxygen flow to the tissues.

It also encourages assistance to improve the outcomes of lymphatic drainage, liposuction, and liposculpture.

Endermotherapy boosts collagen production and removes toxins from the body, making it a worthwhile investment.

Where can endermotherapy be done?

Investing in a beauty routine is becoming more popular as aesthetic procedures are now focused on reducing the effects of aging and weight gain, while also boosting self-esteem. Do you agree?

When considering a procedure, it’s crucial to thoroughly research and select a specialized aesthetic clinic that provides high-quality endermotherapy treatment.

Before making the right choice, it is important to assess the facility’s cleanliness, organization, and the expertise of the staff performing the aesthetic procedure.

Conducting research and seeking advice from others who have had successful endermotherapy sessions are recommended practices. Understanding the experiences of those who have undergone the treatment can provide additional motivation for individuals considering endermotherapy.

By doing this, you can ensure that you have selected the most suitable option and will be satisfied with the overall process.

It is not necessary to live with cellulite and localized fat forever, as shown in the article.

Aesthetics have evolved over time, offering ways to address the subject and enhance satisfaction with the visual representation.

Endermotherapy is a painless and non-invasive technique that helps reduce fat accumulation in specific areas of the body, leading to smoother skin and a more toned physique. It goes beyond aesthetics, promoting self-care and helping achieve a smoother, dimple-free body.

If you want to learn more about the process and experience the advantages of endermotherapy, simply reach out to GiOlaser for further details!

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