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Causes and treatment of acne scars.

by Radiancy Beauty
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The acne brand can manifest in different ways, leading to a variety of treatments to reduce the visibility of scars, which can range from shallow to more profound, depending on the severity of the acne.

Some habits can directly affect brands that may remain visible on the face, neck, chest, back, and arms. Acne results from inflammation, and picking or squeezing pimples can worsen the appearance of these marks. Therefore, scars are categorized based on their depth, width, and shape.

To find the most effective treatment for your situation, it is important to gain a deeper understanding of the inflammatory process and the various types of scars. Explore this information!

Hypertrophic acne or severe acne

Hypertrophic acne scars are identified by elevated marks within the lesion’s boundaries. Exceeding these boundaries results in keloids, where a small acne lesion transforms into a large nodule, leading to uneven skin texture.

Another form of hypertrophic acne is called bridges, where two scars come together to create a pathway of fibrosis on the skin. These marks are frequently seen in individuals with severe acne conditions that lead to nodules and cysts.

The signs of this form of acne can be quite distressing, resulting in an uneven skin appearance. Recommended treatments include:

  • Microneedling.
  • Pulsed light.
  • Dermocosmetic product with immunoregulatory properties.
  • Peelings.
  • laser beam;
  • Corticosteroid injection.

Muscle wasting

Acne scars can be classified as either distensible or non-distensible. Distensible scars disappear when the skin is stretched, indicating they are more superficial with less fibrosis. In contrast, non-distensible scars remain visible even when the skin is pulled, stretched, or rubbed.

To address distensible atrophic acne, effective treatments involve enhancing cell renewal and using acid applications to improve the appearance of scars. On the other hand, non-distensible acne requires more aggressive interventions to target fibrosis.

  • Microneedling.
  • Peeling off skin layers by abrasion.
  • radio waves;
  • Dermabrasion.
  • plasma stream
  • laser beam.


Dystrophic acne does not have a specific shape and can look like a star or flower pattern. Some dermatologists consider this scar to be atrophic, but not all experts agree.

Dystrophic acne scars can be treated by creating small holes and using a potent acid to encourage collagen production, a method known as the CROSS technique. Other effective treatments for scars include:

  • Microneedling.
  • radio waves;
  • Peeling the skin.
  • filling;
  • Subcision.

The acne brand can be quite distressing and has a direct impact on self-confidence. Various treatments are available depending on the severity of the issue. It is crucial to avoid picking at pimples and blackheads to prevent scarring from worsening. Establishing a consistent skincare routine is also vital for maintaining clean skin and preventing future breakouts.

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