Home » 5 suggestions for self-massage to combat stress, which can negatively impact your appearance.

5 suggestions for self-massage to combat stress, which can negatively impact your appearance.

by Radiancy Beauty
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Self-massage is a daily self-care practice that is both cost-effective and can help relax and reduce stress, a major detriment to beauty.

Before you begin, explore the advantages that self-massage can bring to your health, as well as learning techniques and products from Hiroshima Catalogs that can improve your self-care.

  • Alleviates muscle aches and inflammation.
  • Decreases feelings of anxiety and depression.
  • Boosts the immune system.
  • Revitalize the mind and body.
  • Improves sleep quality.

Now that you are familiar with the benefits of self-massage, explore some recommended products.

Back and shoulders – Rear upper body

The wood massager Ref. 00439.1 is excellent for easing daily tensions by promoting circulation, reducing stress, and providing ergonomic support for the back.

massageador em madeira
Imagem: Peggychoucair/FreeImages

We also offer the Ref. 46195.4 massager, which can be charged using USB or batteries. This compact and lightweight device effectively alleviates muscle pain and is convenient to carry in your backpack.

Massageador com cabo USB


Self-massaging your feet is amazing! Use body massage gel Ref. 05177.2 for better results. Sit comfortably on the bed and massage your feet in circular motions, targeting specific pressure points for maximum tension relief.

Estresse, o inimigo da beleza: 5 dicas de como fazer automassagem 1
Imagem: GernotBra/KaboomPics

You can place the foot wood massager (Ref. 00476.6) under the table to help relieve stress while working.

Estresse, o inimigo da beleza: 5 dicas de como fazer automassagem 2
Imagem: Chakkree_Chantakad/Burst

Hands and arms

An additional useful tool for relieving stress is the physiotherapy ball with reference number 46547.0. It is particularly beneficial for the tendons, especially if you spend long hours typing. For improved self-massage, the use of the canforated gel with reference number 05177.2 would also be excellent.

Estresse, o inimigo da beleza: 5 dicas de como fazer automassagem 3
Imagem: MaxWdhs/UnPlash

Face and neck area

You can massage near the ears using your thumbs on the top of the cheeks, moving gently.

Place three fingers behind your neck, apply pressure, release after a few seconds, and then gently move your neck and shoulders forward and backward to relieve tension. Repeat the motion in the other direction.

Discover how to perform self-massage using this simple kit. It requires minimal time and can be done multiple times daily.

Stress can cause skin blemishes.

Continuous stress can lead to various health issues including hypertension, insomnia, mental disorders like anxiety and depression, gastric problems such as gastritis and ulcer, and weakened immune system, making the body susceptible to infections. It is important to manage stress to avoid these health problems.

Advantages of self-massage

By practicing self-massage daily, you enhance blood flow, boost body oxygen levels, and reduce muscle discomfort. With consistent practice, you will improve your self-massage skills over time.

Hiroshima provides everything you need to improve your quality of life. Embrace this self-care.

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