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Can adults get acne? Learn how to treat it!

by Radiancy Beauty
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It can be extremely disappointing to deal with acne and blemishes in adulthood after waiting years to be free of them.

In this article, we will explore the definition, causes, and treatments for acne. Are you prepared to achieve clear and blemish-free skin?

What is the definition of acne?

Acne is a condition characterized by the formation of pimples and lesions on the skin caused by inflammation of hair follicles and sebaceous glands. It typically emerges during adolescence and impacts various areas such as the face, chest, back, and arms. While more prevalent in teenagers, acne can also affect adults.

The primary signs are:

  • Cravings for food.
  • Papules are rounded, firm, and red skin lesions.
  • Pustules are lesions that produce pus.
  • Nodules are inflamed lesions that extend into the deeper layers of the skin.
  • Cysts are larger than pustules, extending through deep skin layers and potentially causing scarring.

What are the reasons?

Some of the key factors that lead to the development of acne include:

  • Sebaceous glands overproduce sebum.
  • Bacterial growth increases.
  • Pores blockage.
  • overproduction of androgens hormones.

Is adult acne the same as teenage acne?

Adult acne is distinct from teenage acne in its causes and treatment methods.

During adolescence, there are often small bumps and pimples that develop on the face, particularly on the forehead, as well as occasional cysts on the chest and back. As adults, these bumps typically appear on the lower part of the face, around the chin area, commonly as papules or painful nodules.

Adult women are more likely to experience acne, which is often associated with specific factors.

  • Hormonal levels fluctuate during menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, and when discontinuing oral contraceptives.
  • Stress can cause the body to produce additional androgens (hormones) that activate the sebaceous glands and hair follicles in the skin.
  • Some individuals may have a genetic tendency for acne in their family history.
  • Some hair and skin products may be oily and clog pores.

How is the treatment going?

Acne treatment is advised for both cosmetic purposes and to maintain skin health, prevent scarring, and support mental well-being. The specific type and duration of treatment will vary based on the severity and underlying cause of the issue, typically involving topical, oral, and aesthetic interventions.

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Light acne can be managed using over-the-counter medications like gels, soaps, creams, and lotions that are applied directly on the skin. Creams and lotions are recommended for sensitive skin, while alcohol-based gels are more suitable for oily skin as they help in drying it out.

Products designed for treating acne-prone skin typically include these active components:

  • Resorcinol acts as an antiseptic that aids in drying out pimples and blackheads.
  • Benzoyl peroxide eliminates bacteria, speeds up skin regeneration, and reduces sebum production.
  • Salicylic acid aids in drying out pimples and reducing inflammation and swelling.
  • Sulfur possesses astringent qualities and helps to control skin oiliness.
  • Azelaic acid enhances the follicle-coating cells, inhibits sebum eruptions, and diminishes bacteria growth, commonly utilized in rosacea treatment.

Oral medications

In more severe situations, certain specialists recommend oral drugs.

  • contraception methods;
  • antibacterial medications
  • anti-inflammatory medications;
  • Isotretinoin medication (Roaccutane).

Aesthetic procedures

Complementary treatments are frequently suggested to help treat acne. Skin cleansing, known to many, should be done monthly for oily skin.

Traditional methods of removing blackheads involve mechanical tools that often cause skin damage and markings that can last for days. However, modern less invasive techniques such as ultrasonic skin cleaning are just as effective.

Chemical, crystal, diamond, and neosensitive peels are available for sensitive skin that requires gentle treatment during aesthetic procedures. Chemical peels involve the use of acids to promote skin peeling and remove damaged layers.

Crystal and diamond peelings are part of microdermabrasion treatments that help exfoliate the skin and remove excess dirt and dead skin cells. Aesthetic clinics also provide additional procedures like intense pulsed light and laser treatments that have anti-inflammatory properties.

When done by skilled experts, both skin cleansing and peels along with other cosmetic procedures are valuable assets in managing acne.

Those with acne in adulthood and adolescence should avoid popping pimples and use oil-free sunscreen daily.

Are there any adverse reactions?

Patients using acne treatments should be mindful of potential side effects and how they may interact with other medications and herbal remedies.

Isotretinoin has significant side effects like liver alterations and fetal malformation in pregnant women. A commitment is required to confirm that there are no plans to become pregnant while undergoing treatment.

Retinoids and benzoyl peroxide can result in skin irritation and increased sensitivity to sunlight. Oral antibiotics may lead to photosensitivity and stomach issues with long-term use, making women more prone to fungal infections.

Adult acne is a real issue that affects more women than men due to hormonal changes, leading to excess sebum production and blocked pores. Seeking guidance from skincare experts is crucial as each individual’s skin needs personalized care.

Contact GiOlaser to find out about our facial treatments and discover the one that’s perfect for you!

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