The culote, often seen as troublesome by many women, refers to the build-up of fat in areas like the sides of the buttocks, thighs, and hips. Various factors like diet, genetics, and hormones can contribute to this issue, making it essential to understand the available treatments to address and reduce this fat accumulation.
Aesthetic treatments can be very effective in reducing stubborn fat deposits, even with regular exercise and a healthy diet, as these fat reserves are a natural energy source for the body.
In this article, we will present the primary remedies for love handles. Take a look!
What does culote mean? Comprehend!
The culote is made up of fat found on the sides of the buttocks, thighs, and hips, which can cause discomfort and impact clothing choices, leading to a recurring demand for treatments.
Factors such as hormones and genetics, in addition to diet, can contribute to the development of excess fat on the hips and thighs.
There are various aesthetic treatments available for the region that can help reduce measurements and improve blood circulation to break down localized fat, regardless of its origin.
1. Radio waves
Radiofrequency is a method utilized to remove localized fat and cellulite, making it a great option for addressing culottes. This technology involves high-frequency currents, with a voltage of approximately 40,000 volts, to produce heat in the subcutaneous tissues.
Warming muscles and skin boosts cellular metabolism, enhances collagen production, and enhances blood circulation in the area. This improves the appearance of the skin and reduces cellulite.
2. Cryolipolysis
Cryolipolysis is a beneficial method for reducing targeted fat deposits like love handles, using cold temperatures to eliminate fat cells in a single session without harming the skin or surrounding tissues.
A particular device is used to draw fat cells into the skin and freeze them. The frozen fat is then eliminated from the body over time, helping to reduce body measurements. It takes a while for the results to show as the body naturally removes the fat cells through urine and stool.
3. Removal of lymph fluid
Lymphatic drainage is a method that speeds up the lymphatic system to decrease fluid retention, combat cellulite, improve blood circulation, and lessen localized fat.
This technique involves using circular movements with the thumbs and hands to remove excess toxins, fluids, and fat from the body. It exerts gentle pressure on the skin to drain the lymph nodes, reducing fluid retention and swelling.
Modeling massage can be used to create a visual representation.
The modeling massage involves vigorous and rapid movements that apply more pressure than a typical massage, effectively reaching deep layers of the skin. This technique enhances the appearance of specific body areas, boosts blood circulation, and reshapes tissues.
The techniques are used all over the body, focusing on areas with more cellulite and fat, like the flanks, legs, buttocks, and abdomen. Using a cream with active ingredients can help improve the outcomes.
Remember to research the main treatments for cellulite and choose a reputable clinic like GIO for the procedures.
Interested in this post and looking to learn more about aesthetic treatments for cellulite? Discover the primary body procedures and stay informed!