Each kind of skin needs a specific care regimen, including dry skin. This article outlines seven tips for caring for dry skin to help you manage it effectively and view it as a characteristic rather than a problem.
We will demonstrate typical scenarios experienced by individuals with this skin type, including the development of cracks, redness, and itching. Additionally, we will discuss preventive measures and recommend suitable soaps and creams to help your skin become smooth.
Read on, take note of the advice, and put it into practice immediately!
What are the characteristics of dry skin?
It is a skin type characterized by changes in the sebaceous glands, leading to insufficient oil production for skin hydration. This condition can be hereditary or influenced by factors like weather, hormones, or hot baths.
It differs from oily skin, which has excessive sebaceous gland production, and combination skin, where only certain areas are unbalanced.
Dry skin becomes dry and suffers from peeling, itching, whitish appearance, dullness, burning sensation, red spots that may result in wounds, and other issues due to inadequate natural hydration.
How to care for dry skin?
Dry skin issues can be addressed with proper care, such as avoiding hot baths and using moisturizing creams containing suitable active ingredients.
Avoid taking extremely hot baths.
Very high temperatures in baths can be very damaging for individuals with dry skin as it eliminates the minimal moisture provided by the sebaceous glands, causing the skin to become even drier and more prone to irritations. Opt for a lukewarm bath instead.
Choose soap if you have dry skin.
Soap for individuals with dry skin, whether due to genetics or external factors, should be specific for that skin type and contain moisturizing ingredients to keep the skin hydrated while still cleansing it effectively.
You opt for soaps containing honey, coconut, glycerin, and vitamins, along with liquid soaps and those with a neutral pH for gentler effects that your skin will appreciate.
Use appropriate moisturizers for dry skin.
Moisturizers must contain moisturizing ingredients such as vitamin C, E, fatty acids, honey, or glycerin in their formulation.
This moisturizer not only restores skin softness but also creates a barrier that helps maintain this effect for a longer time on the skin.
The moisturizer should be used every day, ideally after showering or as needed. It also helps alleviate issues associated with dry skin like itching, flaking, and irritation.
Avoid rubbing your body with the towel.
Rubbing the towel on dry skin after a bath can be harmful as it removes the natural oils and makes the skin more vulnerable to issues.
Dry yourself by patting your skin with a towel to soak up the bath water without removing the moisture from your body.
Avoid using showers and bath brushes too frequently or with excessive force as it can strip away the skin’s protective layer, leading to reduced moisture and increased dryness. If you prefer to use these items, limit it to once or twice a week and remember to apply a generous amount of moisturizer after your bath.
Drink sufficient water.
Those with dry skin should prioritize hydration, as insufficient water intake can worsen dryness, leading to dull, lackluster skin.
The skin can develop cracks, peeling, and irritation when the body lacks sufficient water.
6. Think about exfoliation.
A skincare routine is enjoyable for everyone, including those with dry skin, as long as they take some precautions. One of these precautions is to exfoliate gently.
Exfoliation involves using chemical and physical products to eliminate dead skin cells. Therefore, it’s advisable to limit the use of products for dry skin, extend the intervals between uses, and prioritize hydration post-exfoliation.
Use the air conditioning sparingly.
Air conditioning can be enjoyable during summer, but it can harm dry skin if the cold air is directed at it, leading to dryness and dehydration. The same applies to powerful fans with direct wind.
The cold air produced by these devices can lead to dryness and a pale appearance of the skin. To prevent this, avoid extreme cold temperatures and strong winds. If you experience any discomfort, apply a high-quality moisturizer.
Dry skin care involves paying attention to physical barriers like towels and hot water in baths that can strip oils from the skin, as well as using soaps, exfoliants, and moisturizers appropriately.
It is beneficial to opt for products high in fatty acids and vitamins A and E, as well as staying hydrated throughout the day. Additionally, aesthetic treatments that promote skin renewal and reduce oiliness can enhance the skin’s appearance and reduce irritation.
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